Services for Artists
Guaranteed quality canvas products & installations for artists.
Artist Canvas’s
Unhappy with many of the canvas’s available through retail stores, Tracie Eaton established an in-house team dedicated to making high quality stretched canvas’s for her & other discerning artists.
Made to order and made in any custom size you require Tracie Eaton Canvas’s are handmade to ensure quality standards.
The canvas used is Double-primed with an acrylic base formula that ensures maximum proection against harmful impurites that may develop over years due to ageing.
The pigment used to prime serves as a guarantee that the canvas is free of any by-prodcuts that could affect the longterm durability of the cotton base.
All stretch frames are made from 32mm dressed pine and include centre and corner supports. Galvanised screws are used to hold the frame together.
A dibond panel is also mounted onto the pine framing prior to canvas stretching for artists who require additional strength for heavy texture, fluid pouring or resin work.
All canvas’s are guaranteed.
Price is based per canvas & confirmed upon request.

Artwork Installation
Tracie Eaton’s installation team are experienced in both commercial and residental artwork & art wallpaper installation.
Attention to detail is esesntial to the installation team & they are happy to install one painting or multiple.
Project management services are available for delivery & installation of large commissions to ensure a seamless service for your client.
Tracie Eaton’s install team are happy to liase with your clients directly to arrange date & time of installation if you prefer.
Multiple installation systems are available for use, with the right one for your project decided on based on your painting size, weight and other specific project needs. This includes secure installation for common areas of accommodation or commercial projects.
Total installation costs are based on location of premises & number of paintings to install.

Contact us to discuss your artwork investment or Original Artwork Commisson today.
Other Tracie Eaton Artworks

Body Painting
Whether it be for yourself or to create impact at your next event, body art is eye-catching, empowering and unique.

Engage Tracie Eaton to create a customised, unique artwork exclusively for you & your specific requirements.

Wearable Art
One-off gowns designed, hand creafted & painted uniquely for you, ensuring you shine bright at your next event.