Finding a Retreat

Ensuring a calming space for a busy mind to relex and retreat to.

An Art Commission with a difference

New experiences are fabulous, something Tracie Eaton love’s to search for.  And the commissioning of Tracie by Toni Lontis to create a painting for her certainly ticked that box!

What has made this process unique for Tracie Eaton is that every step of the way, over 6 consecutive weeks, Tracie’s creative process is showcased through timelapse, imagery and live streamed radio & TV.

Week by week you get to see first hand the progress of Toni’s painting.

So, why is this different for Tracie.  In essence, it is because the painting needs to progress at a rate of the live shows.  This is an interesting challenge for Tracie, who, even though she may be in her total creative flow, needs to stop work on this piece at various stages to share the progress live.

And, as an artist who will paint for hours at any one time, this certainly has been interesting.

This project will be updated every week with new video & imagery as Toni’s painting progresses.

The commission process always begins with Tracie speaking with clients at length about their space, their intention, colours of choice.  This can be done via zoom, as can a walkthorugh of the area the piece will be hung.  Once measurements are received by Tracie Eaton a Concept Doument is presented and discussed to confirm the painting subject and style.

Then it is up to Tracie to create away, sharing photos along the way with clients if they would like.

Tracie hopes you enjoy the journey & creative process!  As much as Tracie Eaton is enjoying it!

Week 1

women creating art
blank art board
art piece
women creating art

Week 2

art piece
art piece
art piece
art piece

Week 3

Tracie Eaton Commission Toni Lontis
Commission Artwork Toni Lontis

Week 4

Work Toni Lonits

Week 5

Toni Lontis Artwork

Week 6

Artwork Toni Lontis
Sky Painting Online
Sky Painting


Contact us to discuss your artwork requirements.

5 + 10 =

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